Video Coaching Programs

Short-term program

The short-term program consists of a total of 4 Zoom sessions. These 4 Zoom sessions are held over a period of 2 months. Each coaching session will go on for 60 to 90 minutes. These Zoom sessions will be live 1 on 1 with me. A client has a right to record the session. Apart from these Zoom sessions, a channel of communication will always be open via Whatsapp or call for any queries and clarifications.

  • The total cost of this program is Rs 9000/..

  • All the Zoom sessions will be live 1 on 1 with me, and none of the sessions will be pre-recorded.

  • As far as nuances of the program that include content, structure, and scheduling, it will be discussed on a free inquiry Zoom call. The inquiry Zoom call shall be scheduled mutually in our first interaction. 

Long-term Program

The long-term program consists of a total of 8 Zoom sessions. These 8 Zoom sessions are held over a period of 4 months. Each coaching session will go on for 60 to 90 minutes. These Zoom sessions will be live 1 on 1 with me. A client has a right to record the session. Apart from these Zoom sessions, a channel of communication will always be open via whatsapp or call for any queries and clarifications.

  • The total cost of this program is Rs 16000/..
  • All the Zoom sessions will be live 1 on 1 with me, and none of the sessions will be pre-recorded. 
  • As far as nuances of the program that include content, structure, and scheduling, it will be discussed on a free inquiry Zoom call. The inquiry Zoom call shall be scheduled mutually in our first interaction. 

Some important pointers

  • The short – and long-term programs are both transformational in their nature, however long term program covers more nuances just because of the sheer longevity of the program.
  • To understand the philosophy of my coaching, please read FAQ section of the website.
  • The payments will be made through a payment link provided by us.
  • For people who have specific issues, need my expertise to craft a solution and guidance for a path ahead in their life with women, I have a consultancy program for which details are available on another page.