How my in-person coaching works….

I focus on transformational coaching for men in dating, relationships, and social skills through in-person presence of mine. The goal is deep internal change—shifting self-perception, natural confidence, and how one relates to women and social environments. Transformational coaching is very different in number of ways from traditional coaching provided by most dating coaches. The core … Read more How my in-person coaching works….

Permission to “Feel”: Becoming a perceptive man

At the outset, I must inform that the title of this piece has been inspired by a book with the same name, “Permission to Feel,” by Dr. Marc Brackett. Women may quickly get a sense of what I am trying to say here, but men may find it abstract in the first read. Nonetheless, this … Read more Permission to “Feel”: Becoming a perceptive man

Why do engineers have a tough time with women…

I am in my 8th year as a Dating Coach in India, and engineers have been a constant in my professional life. I have dealt with all sorts of engineers of different branches, with different age groups, cultural backgrounds, and economic abilities. I have observed certain constant patterns among engineers crop, resulting in them having … Read more Why do engineers have a tough time with women…

Social Poverty, it’s curse and how to get out of it..

I have been a dating coach in India for 8 years now. I have lost count of number of men I have coached over these years. I have had fortunate opportunities to coach men of all age groups (17 -50) and across different socio-economic hierarchies with diverse upbringing. However, my maximum coaching involved men who … Read more Social Poverty, it’s curse and how to get out of it..

A Brief Note On Dating Apps.


What I learned about men over the years as a dating coach?

Let me begin with a caveat. My views are limited to experiences I had with men whom I got to interact with and observed as a coach. Of course, there are subset of men who live a different life, have different mindset, story, experiences and never thought of reaching out to people like me. So … Read more What I learned about men over the years as a dating coach?

There is this “One Woman” in some Men’s life..

Many years back, probably 18 years ago, I had a dear friend in my college who was dating this girl. He was absolutely smitten by her. So much so, that during our 12th grade board exams (most important exams till that time) he used to travel to pick her up from her place ( which … Read more There is this “One Woman” in some Men’s life..

Why current generation lacks Social-Courting-Dating skills.

Let’s go back to older days, maybe half a century back. What were the avenues for a man and woman to meet, mingle and get together? In western world, some would say churches, weddings, ball room parties, neighborhood bar, community, common friends, offices, colleges and universities. In eastern world it would be roughly the same … Read more Why current generation lacks Social-Courting-Dating skills.

The Dimensions of Instinct and Intellect.

We have a past, present and future. Instinct is what belongs to our animal past. It is very old, solid; it is the inheritance of million of years. While intellect is human, belonging to our present. We mostly function through our intellect. All our sciences, all our businesses, all our professions are based on our … Read more The Dimensions of Instinct and Intellect.

Eyes: It’s role in mating.

There is an old saying about Eyes: A human eyes have a unique capacity to look both inwards and outwards, One can close his eyes in meditation and look inwards, while with open eyes he can see outwards. Of all the five senses, sight is the most important in courtship-mating-romance-relationships dynamics. Usually for both men … Read more Eyes: It’s role in mating.

Plain Speaking Method..

What’s the usual way guys approach and mingle with girls in initial moments? Of course, each individual has his own style, but barring 1 percent all other guys use hoops. Hoops are close to unnecessary conversational frames. In essence hoops are used as a social lubricant to avoid overwhelming-ness of direct point. For example a … Read more Plain Speaking Method..

Man Thrusts, Woman Receives

Source: A Note to Men, Instagram. A man’s primary sexual tool is designed to thrust, while woman’s sexual organ is designed to receive the thrust. However, thrusting and receiving in humans is not limited to physicality like in animals, it extends in Spirit. We humans carry an internal story in all our acts, including … Read more Man Thrusts, Woman Receives

Technology has changed this about relationships forever…

A click or a tap can take us to different parts of the world, helps us become aware of different cultures, narratives, philosophy, people and hence different possibilities of life. Technology has revolutionized the way we live and want to live our life. It has redefined our motivations. One of the strong motivations that technology … Read more Technology has changed this about relationships forever…

An Incident That Flipped My Narrative.

This Incident took place almost 6 years back. At that time, I was mostly in my head trying to talk my way in with women. The concept of conversation was the only dimension I was aware of. However until one fine afternoon, the narrative that ‘conversational skills is all that matters’ flipped on its head … Read more An Incident That Flipped My Narrative.

Conversations, an over-rated tool to attract women.

I am not revealing a secret by telling you that one of most common questions I am asked as a Dating Coach is “How to strike a conversation with a new girl?” or something along that lines. The underpinning assumption among most men is that, the conversation is the most powerful tool to attract a … Read more Conversations, an over-rated tool to attract women.

How do I handle or respond to a remark on my physical flaw?

I had clients expressing their deep concerns regarding their short height, physical disability, or some physical flaw which cannot be altered favorably. There is a always a sense of limitation in the back of their mind because of their physical impairment or short height. And this limitation holds them back to express themselves confidently around … Read more How do I handle or respond to a remark on my physical flaw?

How ‘approaching’ woman has always worked and still works..

The following image is an excerpt from a book “The Definitive Guide to Body Language” published in the year 2004, just about the same time as “The Game”. It is an interesting irony you will realised, if you have read “The Game”. Before you read further, please read the above excerpt. Women invite, Men approach. … Read more How ‘approaching’ woman has always worked and still works..

How to position one-self to meet girls?

If you want to master the game of meeting women offline then you must learn the art of positioning yourself to maximize your interactions with the women in the particular social venue. As I evolved in my ways to meet women randomly, I noticed a natural shift in my positioning in any venue. For instance … Read more How to position one-self to meet girls?

Flow of male-female arousal process

At first look, the flowchart may appear complex to process it, so hold it tight. As you read down, concepts will get clearer. Let me begin by defining what primitive and social represents in the above flow chart. “Primitive” means un-conditioned intellect of our sexual nature; while “Social” means conditioned, diluted by our surroundings and … Read more Flow of male-female arousal process

What it takes to developed an uninhibited masculine expression?

In my view, one of the highest purpose of a man is to inhabit, what I call an “Uninhibited Masculine Expression”. Most men who call me as a coach, knowingly or unknowingly seek to unlock their expression as a man in the land of women.

Getting into so called friend-zone or being received by women anything but as their masculine opposite sex, is the by product of lack of uninhibited masculine expression.

Below is the flow chart that I have developed to simplify what it takes to unlock and refined an uninhibited masculine expression.

Nightclubs seems abundant source to men, but…

When I first heard Zan Perrion (Dating coach) saying that nightclubs are fools game, I dismissed his notion. He was asked about meeting and mating with women in nightclubs, to which he said that nightclubs seems abundant, but they are really not so. This was years back. As I have spend more time than most … Read more Nightclubs seems abundant source to men, but…

Focus on Source and Spirit, rather than technicalities only..

An amusing story to start with. A guy was chilling with his friend at an afternoon club. He noticed a pretty girl walking towards his direction. He sensed a mischief in her eyes, which delighted him. As she came closer to him, to walk past, he asked out loud , “What’s your number?”, certainly communicating … Read more Focus on Source and Spirit, rather than technicalities only..

Challenge of a Man is to overcome fear of Social embarrassment..

I remember this very vividly; I was looking at a girl and smiling at her. She too was looking at me/towards me side-eye, not to make it obvious (Girls usually do that). A moment came, when she made a call from her phone. At that very moment, I caught my mind thinking that she is … Read more Challenge of a Man is to overcome fear of Social embarrassment..

“Content is the king”…Not really in world of mating.

I still vividly remember, I was in this particular bar with a friend of mine. He opened a set of two Girls, which didnt really responded well to him. Few minutes pass by, a random guy walked up to these same two girls standing and talking to each other, and instantly managed to hooked their … Read more “Content is the king”…Not really in world of mating.

A facet about girls, guys must know…

Have you been out on a weekends, especially at afternoons, in some cafes or restaurants where they cater to younger crowd? If yes, then you must have noticed, a peculiar feature about these weekend afternoons. And that is, girls in twos, threes, dressed up girlie, banded together forming an invisible boundary. This is peculiar to … Read more A facet about girls, guys must know…

The subject of “Getting out of your head”.

Just few weeks back, early in the afternoon, I was taking a stroll behind my house. The lane I was walking in was enveloped with trees on both sides. Afternoon sun was bright as it could be in Mumbai. Sunlight was partially held back by upper body of the trees, while some light managing to … Read more The subject of “Getting out of your head”.

Breakdown of a scene that encapsulates mating dance..

Men and women meet and mate in variety of ways. From a dance floor of a club to online dating apps, there are different routes with different rhythm and pace, men and women follow. This particular scene, divided in two parts, encapsulates the mating energy that happens in a cafe. It also strongly resembles my … Read more Breakdown of a scene that encapsulates mating dance..

The time I did not make a move..

Some weekday afternoon, I was seated on a common table in a cafe, reading some fiction book. It so happened, within few minutes of me being there, a young lady, dressed formally, choose to seat across me on the same table. Shoulder length hair, white formal shirt, beige pants, dusky tone with her office Armour. … Read more The time I did not make a move..

How advent of texting has changed the way men show up…

In the movie nine and half weeks, Mickey Rourke (male actor) sends a note to Kim Bassinger (female note) with a bouquet of flowers, inviting her on a date with him. It’s 1980’s then. As I watched the particular scene, I wonder when was the last time, a guy must have invited a girl on … Read more How advent of texting has changed the way men show up…

Your Vibe is the voice that women listens to..

When a man enters a room, he already had an impact before he speaks. This impact is created by the vibe he carries with him. What is a vibe? Vibe is simply an accumulation of one’s belief systems (internal and just not intellectual), perspectives, experiences that condenses into an invisible force which represents a man. … Read more Your Vibe is the voice that women listens to..

Practical exercise to improve non verbal communication..

This particular exercise, I first heard from Zan Perrion. Try complimenting a girl on her dress or appearance without saying anything. How? By the way you look at her, the emotions in your eyes, the way you smile on seeing her, the delight on your face. Similarly try letting her know that you find her … Read more Practical exercise to improve non verbal communication..

What can we learn from Mathew McConaughey?

Mathew McConaughey in an interview detailed the way he approached a woman, who went on to marry him. The thing that struck me the most was that he could instantly recognized the impact the woman had on him and he followed through it. His approach was masculine and graceful (I am going by his narration). … Read more What can we learn from Mathew McConaughey?

Decoding non verbal communication of eyes from women.

William Shakespeare once said, “Women communicate in two ways, one of them is verbal, while other forms the major part”. Non verbal communication of and from women, have always been elusive from men. Most men are unaware of its existence, leave alone the importance of it. Non verbal communication branchs out into tonality, body language, … Read more Decoding non verbal communication of eyes from women.

Spirituality, in the process of getting good with women.

Just yesterday (17th April), an interview was aired on YouTube. It was, Karan Thapar interviewing famous Political Strategist Prashant Kishor. Prashant Kishor was asked about Narendra Modi’s best quality. (As he has worked in close quarters with Narendra Modi) To which he said, “When Narendra Modi speaks with you, he makes you feel, he is … Read more Spirituality, in the process of getting good with women.

Common mistakes I have seen over years, Men make with Women

Trying to impress women. Sometimes I feel we men are made to believe since our teenage years that we men have to proactively impress women. This is far from truth and it backfires. The reality is, women find those men attractive who are comfortable with who they are and yet stand out. However, unconsciously anything … Read more Common mistakes I have seen over years, Men make with Women