Social Poverty, it’s curse and how to get out of it..

I have been a dating coach in India for 8 years now. I have lost count of number of men I have coached over these years. I have had fortunate opportunities to coach men of all age groups (17 -50) and across different socio-economic hierarchies with diverse upbringing. However, my maximum coaching involved men who … Read more Social Poverty, it’s curse and how to get out of it..

What it takes to developed an uninhibited masculine expression?

In my view, one of the highest purpose of a man is to inhabit, what I call an “Uninhibited Masculine Expression”. Most men who call me as a coach, knowingly or unknowingly seek to unlock their expression as a man in the land of women.

Getting into so called friend-zone or being received by women anything but as their masculine opposite sex, is the by product of lack of uninhibited masculine expression.

Below is the flow chart that I have developed to simplify what it takes to unlock and refined an uninhibited masculine expression.