Breakdown of a scene that encapsulates mating dance..

Men and women meet and mate in variety of ways. From a dance floor of a club to online dating apps, there are different routes with different rhythm and pace, men and women follow.

This particular scene, divided in two parts, encapsulates the mating energy that happens in a cafe.

It also strongly resembles my personal encounters, as I am a cafe boy at heart.

Explaining about first part, you will see the girl is seated on a common area of the cafe, while the guy is already on the phone, loud enough for girl to hear.

She is already intrigued by his conversation.

An important element to pay attention is at 55th second or thereabouts, when the guy is walking towards the table, the girl looks up momentarily towards him.

(A man must always pay attention to a woman’s body language when he enters her space. If she is curious about him, most likely she will look up at him or towards him, a no budge may indicate her priorities are different than meeting someone new at the time, which may change after half an hour).

Also being seated on a common table or in proximity makes a huge difference in how things unfold.

So, the conversation begins with apologies. However, soon after that, the guy brings in, the topic of men and women dynamics.

He also challenges her at a point where she agrees to something he says. Not too long after that, he starts flirting with her. The first seed of flirting are planted at the mention of words “Right now”. All this happens in the span of 2 mins.

(The earlier a man add elements of mischief, flirting the better it is. However, I must point out, there was pre existing curiosity from girl’s end which should encourage a guy to flirt from the beginning, otherwise flirting will be like hitting a wall).

Post 2 mins in the first part of the clip, he steers the interaction about her and the place. It relaxes the tension between them. Until he mentions how lucky the day is, as he has encounter a beautiful woman.

He questions his comments, which I may not do it.

The first part of the clip ends with the guy inviting her for another cup of coffee, which holds her back to leave.

(Its important for the guy to buy if he wants to hold her back).

Coming to second part of the clip.

Observe the way, guy is leaning on his hand, facing shoulder to shoulder with her. Clearly smitten by her.

The conversation revolves around each other and men and women.

(“Me and you” interaction is an essential indregient to build connection after chemistry)

Once they get out of the cafe, the directness of the guy is in the full force. And the girl responds in kind.

(It’s always well appreciated if directness is timed well. Which in this case was well in order).

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