A Note To Men

I am pleased to announced the launch of the first edition of “A Note to Men” newsletter.

Let me walk you’ll through the story of how this newsletter came upon.

There are three different parts to it that came together at the same time.

I had certain restlessness in me arising in mid May and June of 2021. I knew that I have to send certain message to people; but I didn’t know how to go about it (This being the first part).

One of my clients in the middle of a video call coaching, asked me “Why don’t you create a community on Facebook, so that larger audience hear you out?” (This being the second part; June 2021).

I usually go for walk with a friend of mine on a regularly basis. As we were walking, he mentioned reading something about silver in this newsletter he subscribes to. (This being the third part: June 2021).

As I was headed back home after the walk, I thought of TheGartman letter (popular financial newsletter) and my previous phase of my financial markets career. And in those moments, three dots got connected like a supernatural event. The urge to fulfill my quest of being a messenger; a random push from my client to be a messenger and the mention of newsletter by my friend, which resolved the search of a tool to send my message.

And in those circumstances, the newsletter was born as an idea. It seemed perfectly aligned with my vibe.

The formatting and style of my newsletter was inspired by TheGartman letter.

What do I want to achieve by writing a newsletter?

The information and knowledge out there in subject of ‘men getting good with women’ is generic and non-contextual. In addition to that, most dating advisory for men takes them into their head, defeating the purpose of generating attraction in the land of women.

I want to fill the gaps, add all pieces of puzzle to form the accurate picture of how the mating dynamics actually function in real time. Sometimes the answers do not lie in the subject of “Dating” or “Pickup”, they lie in other areas of life; through this newsletter I aim to expand horizons of men which benefits them in land of women. And most importantly; I want to help men to uncover their authentic sexual nature and guide them to unlearn the social/culturally conditioning that holds them back to be an adult in true sense.

Why am I putting a price and possibly limiting my scope to spread my message?

When someone pays he respects, takes it seriously; and it filters the interested from the non interested.

The link to subscribe to my newsletter is below:



The newsletter will be released once on 1st of the month.

The subscription of the newsletter is priced at Rs 149/-

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