The Dimensions of Instinct and Intellect.

We have a past, present and future. Instinct is what belongs to our animal past. It is very old, solid; it is the inheritance of million of years. While intellect is human, belonging to our present. We mostly function through our intellect. All our sciences, all our businesses, all our professions are based on our … Read more The Dimensions of Instinct and Intellect.

Plain Speaking Method..

What’s the usual way guys approach and mingle with girls in initial moments? Of course, each individual has his own style, but barring 1 percent all other guys use hoops. Hoops are close to unnecessary conversational frames. In essence hoops are used as a social lubricant to avoid overwhelming-ness of direct point. For example a … Read more Plain Speaking Method..

An Incident That Flipped My Narrative.

This Incident took place almost 6 years back. At that time, I was mostly in my head trying to talk my way in with women. The concept of conversation was the only dimension I was aware of. However until one fine afternoon, the narrative that ‘conversational skills is all that matters’ flipped on its head … Read more An Incident That Flipped My Narrative.

Conversations, an over-rated tool to attract women.

I am not revealing a secret by telling you that one of most common questions I am asked as a Dating Coach is “How to strike a conversation with a new girl?” or something along that lines. The underpinning assumption among most men is that, the conversation is the most powerful tool to attract a … Read more Conversations, an over-rated tool to attract women.

What it takes to developed an uninhibited masculine expression?

In my view, one of the highest purpose of a man is to inhabit, what I call an “Uninhibited Masculine Expression”. Most men who call me as a coach, knowingly or unknowingly seek to unlock their expression as a man in the land of women.

Getting into so called friend-zone or being received by women anything but as their masculine opposite sex, is the by product of lack of uninhibited masculine expression.

Below is the flow chart that I have developed to simplify what it takes to unlock and refined an uninhibited masculine expression.

Challenge of a Man is to overcome fear of Social embarrassment..

I remember this very vividly; I was looking at a girl and smiling at her. She too was looking at me/towards me side-eye, not to make it obvious (Girls usually do that). A moment came, when she made a call from her phone. At that very moment, I caught my mind thinking that she is … Read more Challenge of a Man is to overcome fear of Social embarrassment..

“Content is the king”…Not really in world of mating.

I still vividly remember, I was in this particular bar with a friend of mine. He opened a set of two Girls, which didnt really responded well to him. Few minutes pass by, a random guy walked up to these same two girls standing and talking to each other, and instantly managed to hooked their … Read more “Content is the king”…Not really in world of mating.

The subject of “Getting out of your head”.

Just few weeks back, early in the afternoon, I was taking a stroll behind my house. The lane I was walking in was enveloped with trees on both sides. Afternoon sun was bright as it could be in Mumbai. Sunlight was partially held back by upper body of the trees, while some light managing to … Read more The subject of “Getting out of your head”.

The time I did not make a move..

Some weekday afternoon, I was seated on a common table in a cafe, reading some fiction book. It so happened, within few minutes of me being there, a young lady, dressed formally, choose to seat across me on the same table. Shoulder length hair, white formal shirt, beige pants, dusky tone with her office Armour. … Read more The time I did not make a move..

Your Vibe is the voice that women listens to..

When a man enters a room, he already had an impact before he speaks. This impact is created by the vibe he carries with him. What is a vibe? Vibe is simply an accumulation of one’s belief systems (internal and just not intellectual), perspectives, experiences that condenses into an invisible force which represents a man. … Read more Your Vibe is the voice that women listens to..

Practical exercise to improve non verbal communication..

This particular exercise, I first heard from Zan Perrion. Try complimenting a girl on her dress or appearance without saying anything. How? By the way you look at her, the emotions in your eyes, the way you smile on seeing her, the delight on your face. Similarly try letting her know that you find her … Read more Practical exercise to improve non verbal communication..

What can we learn from Mathew McConaughey?

Mathew McConaughey in an interview detailed the way he approached a woman, who went on to marry him. The thing that struck me the most was that he could instantly recognized the impact the woman had on him and he followed through it. His approach was masculine and graceful (I am going by his narration). … Read more What can we learn from Mathew McConaughey?

Spirituality, in the process of getting good with women.

Just yesterday (17th April), an interview was aired on YouTube. It was, Karan Thapar interviewing famous Political Strategist Prashant Kishor. Prashant Kishor was asked about Narendra Modi’s best quality. (As he has worked in close quarters with Narendra Modi) To which he said, “When Narendra Modi speaks with you, he makes you feel, he is … Read more Spirituality, in the process of getting good with women.