How to position one-self to meet girls?

If you want to master the game of meeting women offline then you must learn the art of positioning yourself to maximize your interactions with the women in the particular social venue. As I evolved in my ways to meet women randomly, I noticed a natural shift in my positioning in any venue. For instance … Read more How to position one-self to meet girls?

Nightclubs seems abundant source to men, but…

When I first heard Zan Perrion (Dating coach) saying that nightclubs are fools game, I dismissed his notion. He was asked about meeting and mating with women in nightclubs, to which he said that nightclubs seems abundant, but they are really not so. This was years back. As I have spend more time than most … Read more Nightclubs seems abundant source to men, but…

Your Vibe is the voice that women listens to..

When a man enters a room, he already had an impact before he speaks. This impact is created by the vibe he carries with him. What is a vibe? Vibe is simply an accumulation of one’s belief systems (internal and just not intellectual), perspectives, experiences that condenses into an invisible force which represents a man. … Read more Your Vibe is the voice that women listens to..